Sunday, May 31, 2009


Well I don't feel like typing much right now but I don't feel like doing much right now and it will probably be good to get some stuff outta my head.
So I was gonna go see Up today with my sis and Mouse but well as always things just don't work out and so now we aren't going. Confusion with the youth license restrictions in NH, it's one passenger max that is not part of the family but Mouse's mom thought otherwise, and my sis has HW to do I guess. So it looks like I'm not going. I will probably have to wait for another DVD release of another Pixar movie that looks great. I would by myself but well I can't. Haven't rly done before + I wanna have a friend or my sis come iwth ma when I go but not rly any of my friends that I can contact atm are interested in Pixar movies. It seems like whenever I try to get things like this to work they just don't so i get bummed out. I will see Up at some point but it may not be for awhile.
So in other news I have now finally caught up with Order of the Stick. I have also been playing DKC all morning while waiting. For a bit both me and my bro were playing but he had to go take shower and also i think he was sorta bored of dying in it cause the levels were getting harder. He finished building his titanic model though. As of this moment I'm almost finshed with Chimp Caves, I think I'm either the last or secodn to last lvl before boss of this area. I will finally beat this game at some point.
I guess I should probably do the rest of my Java assignments but I just dont feel like it right now. I probably shoulda worked on them earlier today, but didn't really expect anything much today.
I sorta want sleep now but I know if I fall asleep now it'll screw me over quite a bt later. My body cycles are already screwed up enough as they are, with not sleeping any 'cept for an hour on thursday cause i forgot to take my ADHD meds in the morn so i took when I got so I oculd actually get something accomplished and with forgetting them on friday as well and falling asleep for 4 or 5 hrs or something like that when i got home and than sleeping more than normal when i got home from picking up sis, and with not getting much sleep last night, I think my body cycle is pretty much SCREWED up as it and it will take time again to fix itself. Screwing it up like I have the past few days will have a very annoying effect in the near future, as in possibly depression again cause random things. It's just one more factor that comes into play with my mind, which I'm not altogether sure if it is stable or not. All I can really do is continue to live with it cause I will not die if I have anything to say bout it.
*sigh* School is almost over, I don't really want it to end. When it ends it means I won't see lke any of my friends for 3 months. I mean I'll see the very few that live in my neighboorhood some but probably not vry much since I'll be working more. I may see some at the DnD campaign that Mouse shall be doing during the summer, but iono i have to work exactly so theres a problem with that. I am also gone for 14 days for Philmont, I get along ok with most of the crew and i ahve one good friend in it as well but after a couple of days on the trail people will probably get irritated easier. Also another thing with school ending is the fact that its the end of Junior year, and well i don't really want HS to end. It has been fun, I've met/gotten to know better a bunch of great friends and overall it hasn't been to bad of an experience. I'm also sorta afraid of what happens next afterwards. I gotta go to college and leave just bout everything that I've come to know behind most likely. This may sound bad what will probably hapen with many of my friends is I'll lose contact with em and we just drift away. I don't want to ose my friends, sure I may make new ones but it just won't be the same + I'm not rly ggreat at socializing and it is hard to find friends like I have now I'm pretty sure. I'm not really sure what I'm heading towards with all this. Well I had more to say but it sorta dissolved. So yah guess I'm done for now.
May edit/repost later.
Now off to toadstool book shop.
"Smell ya later" - Gary

Moog Maruader of the first number is off

PS Feeling better now

1 comment:

  1. Somebody else was watching from afar
    Screwing it up like a broken VCR
    She thought that I was very insincere because
    I rolled my eyes a bit too much
    Am I really that out of touch?
    Why should I care about this?
    I'm not concerned with the things I've missed...

    I remember that, "Smell ya later!" Although if memory serves it was more like "imagine this in terminal font b/c blogspot blocks itSMELL YA LATER!/imagining"
    Also I randomly decided while talking to Michael that I'm a Maraudess of Moog, too, and not just a Marauder. Why? Why not?
    Hmm...well cya in a few. ^.^ Oh and as far as D&D goes, so far I'm like 80% finished with Michael, and his character.

    ~ Moog
