Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm Back

Well I am back from trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. I have much to say, much to share, and I'm finally home. This post shouldn't be huge because of the fact that I have stuff I gotta get done before my dad gets home and such + I don't think I'm allowed to use the computer.
At some point I'll be typing up and edited copy of my journal I kept on the trail there about it and such so well ya. While on the trail I had a little bit of insight on another part of myself that makes me tick, or at least so it appears. I'm not sure if I shall post this or not.
I have a ton of stuff to catch up on, as well as a discussion at the other blog I is part of.
In other news my neck is now happier since I has something that arrived in the mail while I was gone, and for once I have something with pink on it on me. And no it's not say anything, it's just that I lie what it is. Most likely by the end of the week I shall post what it is...maybe, but it depends on how busy I am and the such.
I still have no idea when I have to work. I am planning on maybe going in to check at some point in the near future of today.
I can't wait to give the stuffs I got for peoples, but I shall have to wait. What that stuff is I shall not say.
I am happy to be home, although Philmont was quite awesome. One of my most favorite parts, the sunset from Mt Phillips.
I'll eventually get many pics up on my deviantArt account and after someone in my crew makes the group I shall probably be uploading all of the pics, good or bad, to Facebook (which I dislike but this is for a purpose).
O yes, I read The Wee Free Men and it is good, and am almost done with a Hat Full of Sky which is also good. I think I shall start using some of the Nac Mac Feegle words, and also it is amazing what books can do :) (more on that maybe at some later time)
Well at this point I think I have to bid you all non-existent readers farewell.
I've uploaded 2 pics so far
A Hill In The Morning
Sitting on Lover's Leap
Follow me gallery feed for more stuff in the future if you want.

Un Maruadi Moog is off to do probably boring things.
*wacks you with a frying pan*


  1. Where'd'ya get "Un Maruadi Moog" from? I think I likes; it's just Italian-sounding enough to not resemble Latin, which is good because Latin sucks.
    I shall whack you twice with a frying pan if you didn't get something to make my neck happy. If you did, I shall only whack you twice with a frying pan.
    It's so easy when you're evil ~

    ~ Mouse

    P.S. I like Sitting on Lover's Leap a lot; very vertigo-inducing. Who took that?
    P.P.S. A confirmation word for this post was ispition. What does make you think of?

  2. I came up with it on the trail
    and yay i concur that Latin does suck

    ack frying pans hurt, just make sure if you do whack me to do it right

    that song is now stuck in my head, I'm also in a wonderfully tipsy state of mind right now
    like a teeter totter that both sides always go up even if one side appears to be going down

    Karawasa took it cause i asked him to, i likes pic as well, i has many many other pics to upload at some point

    ispition, reminds me of spitting, repetition, inspiration, and what you should do to when you come across a politician
    all those came into head at once

  3. Wow I had an awesome post and then ff crashed. Damn it.
    I thought of suspicion, mostly, which is a neat word. The word I got before it crashed was spologi; what do you think of that?
    Frying pans yES!
    It's funny that you mentioned teeter-totters because in Wintersmith that's a theme, balance; both sides go up and down but the bit in the very middle stays where it is and things go through it, so like, can you be the bit in the middle?
    Being a totally not devout Discordian I would now like to (encourage you to) plug this year's St. Jake's Day, which will be August 23rd (or Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 16, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3175 if you cared). You can read more about it here: Jake Day 2009 and this being the internet, be discreet but pass it on. I plan to participate.
    To anyone using Linux, open a terminal and type in ddate, and then try help ddate; it's fun. It's part of util-linux-ng and certain religious groups don't like its presence but oh well.
    And it's so easy when you're evil; this is the life you see, the devil tips his hat to me ~

    ~ Mouse

    P.S. Also, this time is zionyl.

  4. You didn't hit me with a frying pan :|


    i may plug it i may not, depends on if i write another post and if i remember while I'm writing it

    also why would it mater, no one really reads any of this stuffs anyway
