Saturday, July 4, 2009


Listening To: All my music on shuffle
Reading: Reaper Man
Watching: Samurai Jack, The King and I, The Music Man
Playing: HL2:E1, Magical Starsign
nuthin atm
nuthin atm (prob water soon)
What's on my mind: wishing to not be grounded, trying to figure out vry weird feelings, and other stuff

Heya people who probably won't read this.
I has not posted for a bit, mostly cause I haven't felt like writing.
So summer has started. The end of the school year went fairly well. Didn't exactly have all the classes I wanted to for next year but I switched um up the best I could. I had to get rid of Modern Lit, and Music theory but I got Graphics Arts 1. Modern Lit I wanted to take, the teacher + the class as well were factors, Music theory not so much. But I was able to get it B block so I has two friends in the classroom that block now ^_^, Mouse and Karawasa. Mouse is in 2 and Kar is in 1 with me. It's a full year course so 2 blocks total with friends ^_^. Also had to move my English 12A to A block first semester which happens to be with Mouse as well. I am also taking AP calculus (D block first semester), Personal Finance(C-6 first sem), Engineering and Design (A-block 2nd sem), AP calculus Lab (C-6 2nd sem), and Physics H (D-block 2nd sem).
Seems like this shall be a good year. Will be able to go to 1st and 2nd lunch so that means I shall hopefully see more friends there + more time to do hw and the such.
Got all A's and B's on report card.
One thing that really bothers me is my ability to not try in school and still get these grades and be able to do this stuff, I don't really try vry hard I just can't. It just doesn't make sense.

So now for some more current stuffs.
My first week of summer was well sorta hectic.
Had work a couple times during the day. The other days I helped with Campinvention which was rly only um i don't remember but only day i was able to stay ofr the whole day, the other days i onlyhelped for like 2 hrs than i had to work. Friday I had to leave for a backpacking trip up in Maine. Mt. Katahdin. We didn't do the full hike cause of weather forcast and visability, o well. I think at some point that week I ma have hung out with Mouse but I don't remember which day, I think it was one of the days after work, Mouse if you remember could ya remind me?
After that well I didn't have enough hours from work so I am grounded from the compy and are not allowed to be home during the day (Why I am able to be here now is for later). So Monday my dad let me use his car and well basically I went to McDonald's (where I work), to talk to the managers as well as get my check. Got my check and cashed it. Then I waited till around 10 to go talk to manager that does scheduling totalk about the hours and such. After that well I sat around in the car reading/listening to music in the Stop & Shop parking lot for a bit. At some point hung out with Mouse and went to Wilton to see if Nelson's (a candy store where they make all the candy by, well there is some i think that isn't but it mostly is), but it wasn't cause they close for summer or actually I think they go somewhere else or something I don't know. After that we tried the art store but have our luck it's closed on Monday's. Ended up doing a small walk around one of the local trails. Hmm mind went blank as for stuff after this.
Went home at some point after dad got home. Had pizza and had to talk to him again bout stuffs. That's when I got grounded from compo cause I didn't have enough hours. Tuesday I had my physical. bleh. I am healthy and stuff. Talked to doctor (I has new one now, old one moved back to Canada) about stuffs. One of the things wasa way to possibly get off my ADHD meds (Concerta 54mg). He suggestd one thing we could do is tapering the dosage every month. I had this thought b4 as well, I may end up trying this, if it doesn't work completely at least maybe to get one a lower dosage. Just stopping hard with the meds makes things much much worse. Can't describe much but if you know may know what I'm talking about but not many people read this I think or really any at all.
After my physical I came and started to scrub the porch a lil bit. Basically getting all the mildew and stuff off the porch cause they are gonna stain it. Punishment this is.
Everyone but me and sis left for DC that afternoon. I hooked up compy to the TV in the living room.
Played games that night and talked and did stuff o ncompy till ike 3 in the morning I think it was.
Wednesday saw Up with Mouse. twas a good movie. I wants to draw something from it but I want a ref pic(s) from the movie and well it's still in theater's and stuff so ya. Thursday was rainy so I couldn't really work on the porch. Firday worked on the porch for a bit, ended up getting chem burns from the bleach stuff on the tips of my fingers on my right hand. No gloves i had, now I do have gloves though ^_^ although I'm not gonna work on it till my hand heals more.
Will probably get in trouble but o well, not gonna risk injuring self further with it.

It was supposed to get done b4 they get back which is tomorrow evening.Today I had work. 6hr shift. Went by rly fast which I like. I have an 8 hr one tomorrow ending at 4. I like breakfast shift cause breakfast seems to be easier as well as go by faster. Also people tend to be in a better mood during that shift. I also like having the rest of the day to do whatever. Like today I was out @ 3. I have a total of 27 hrs this week. Still most likely not enough to get me ungrounded. My dad wants me to do something on the days I'm not working, I am probably gonna volunteer at the local Boys & Girls Club. If I do than if it's like last year I should hopefully have compy access when there is a open compy. Last I did odd jobs and when I wasn't doing those I was monitoring the compy lab they have there.

I still have a bunch of stuff to do today/tonight b4 they get home tomorrow, but I wanna write this first cause well for the first time for a bit I feel like writing a blog post.

OK so since I'm grounded and whatnot from the compy that means I will probably be doing lots of other things. Probably watching stuff on my Zune, listening to music (assuming I don't get my Zune taken away), hpefully drawing (I has some stuff I wanna do with drawing :P u'll c), reading (hopefully a bunch of discworld books), and well whatever else. Also hopefully will be able to hang out with friends this summer. Typically I don't cause well none of us ever rly hang out for some reason. I have other things that I want to do as well. And if I can there are things I want to do on compy as well. I wants to try and get better at drawing objects and people. Like representing them so they are identified as such but not necessarily _realistic_. I mean maybe look like it could be real but in the real we perceive. I dunno how to exactly describe it.

This summer may be a good one despite my basically non-existent computer access at home (like that's any diff than previous summers).

Indigo is sitting on my mousepad :P
Hehe interesting Link

Hmm lately my stomach has been well weird feeling. I dunno, it's sorta annoying.

O yes I have caught up on The Far Reaches, Flaky Pastry, Beartato, Teh Gladiators, Tiny Kitten Teeth, and Castle Vidcons. Those are all webcomics. At some point I'm gonna read all of Penny Arcade. I also finished Feet of Clay the other day. Is a good book and I started Reaper Man. Gonna see if I can obtain some more Discworld books. I also may finish another book I have about ADHD sorta stuff and people with it and how to deal with it and that sort of thing. It is interesting but as i was reading it last it only refreshed many things that I had figured out b4 myself. Tis an interesting read though. Haven't picked it up since I started, twas depressed when I read, I needed to get my mind off it so my dad lemme borrow it from him.

I also completed Portal again, and worked some on Half-Life2: Episode 1.

Hmm I can't think of much else to write for now. I may or may not be able to post again depending on what I am doing and compy access away from home, and also depending on wether I feel like writing or not.

Random most recent picture of self I have
So with that I bid you people ado
Merry International Free Hug Day
And happy 4th of July to I guess

Moog Master #1 is well not really doing much

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