Thursday, December 31, 2009


For once I am not writing in a more gloomy mood (although I am a little bit frustrated, but more on that later)
and it is the end of the year :/
This year has been...different than other years of my life. Yes I know that every year is different but let us put down the semantics for once, shall we?
So yah back to stuff
First off, I have been out more than before, hanging out w/ friends (well actually mostly w/ one friend), I have seen more movies in theaters this year than I think I have seen total in previous years, been kicked out of my house (don't ask cause it won't make sense the reasoning behind it), been working for a full year, built what seems to be a strong friendship, started two blogs (this one and another), beat Cave Story and got a decent run time, driven a bunch, and a bunch of other stuff.
Yah the list is boring and all but meh, I don't care.
I didn't really do anything I wanted to, well I'm not really sure. I don't really remember what I wanted to do this past year, which probably means I didn't do it or the more likely thing that I didn't have anything that I really wanted to do.
For the next year, I am also not sure what I want to do.
-Get my secret project started
-I will be going to college (I hope) in the Fall so that will be very different.
-I want to draw more
-want to do more stuff
-read more books
-convince Mouse that she is a good artist
-um...stuff I don't remember/my mind is blocking out cause it doesn't want certain people to hear about whatever it is

Anyway, I may actually start to post doodles/pictures/other random stuff at some point, as well as this project thing that I have been meaning to start for some time now. No you will not get any hints at this time

Um yah, lost my thought. Already said most of what I was going to anyway, so to a new year "Smile, tomorrow will be worse"
(I was planning on using this quote anyway Mouse if your reading this, it has nothing to do with the fact that you recently said it again)

Expect some possible posting at some point

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