Thursday, December 31, 2009


For once I am not writing in a more gloomy mood (although I am a little bit frustrated, but more on that later)
and it is the end of the year :/
This year has been...different than other years of my life. Yes I know that every year is different but let us put down the semantics for once, shall we?
So yah back to stuff
First off, I have been out more than before, hanging out w/ friends (well actually mostly w/ one friend), I have seen more movies in theaters this year than I think I have seen total in previous years, been kicked out of my house (don't ask cause it won't make sense the reasoning behind it), been working for a full year, built what seems to be a strong friendship, started two blogs (this one and another), beat Cave Story and got a decent run time, driven a bunch, and a bunch of other stuff.
Yah the list is boring and all but meh, I don't care.
I didn't really do anything I wanted to, well I'm not really sure. I don't really remember what I wanted to do this past year, which probably means I didn't do it or the more likely thing that I didn't have anything that I really wanted to do.
For the next year, I am also not sure what I want to do.
-Get my secret project started
-I will be going to college (I hope) in the Fall so that will be very different.
-I want to draw more
-want to do more stuff
-read more books
-convince Mouse that she is a good artist
-um...stuff I don't remember/my mind is blocking out cause it doesn't want certain people to hear about whatever it is

Anyway, I may actually start to post doodles/pictures/other random stuff at some point, as well as this project thing that I have been meaning to start for some time now. No you will not get any hints at this time

Um yah, lost my thought. Already said most of what I was going to anyway, so to a new year "Smile, tomorrow will be worse"
(I was planning on using this quote anyway Mouse if your reading this, it has nothing to do with the fact that you recently said it again)

Expect some possible posting at some point

Monday, December 7, 2009


Already it is December, and it feels like everything is still the way it has been just more pressure or some other word I can not think of.
I have to get my two college applications in at some point, but I have to get stuff together and um other stuff I don't know right now. Damn this college thing is nerve racking. Really nervous bout it I think somewhere in my head. I don't want to go out into that world where I shall be on my own nor do I want to stay where I am, except for a few reasons. Being on my own scares me to a high degree. Lost this train of thought.
There goes my quite, kids are home.
There's snow on the ground now, not much and it is not great snow either. O well. I want to have more time to do the stuff that is on my list of stuff to do, but I keep losing track of time and doing other things. Discontinuity is a common theme in these posts.
I was going to go see New Moon last Saturday with Mouse, but the weather intervened, or so it seems. I've been reading the series although lately my reading habits have been very on-off, with more off than on. Although I did read all of Bob and George, which was quite good. You should totally go read it.
Today I had an xkcd inspired doodle zone (meaning I drew stick figures that are sorta influenced by xkcd and I was zoning out for most of Calculus). That sheet has a bunch of stick figures on it now.
Now can anyone tell me why only my right hand is cold yet both of my hands are equally exposed?
*sigh* I did have a point in mind when I started this post but as it typically does, the post dissolves into the driveling rambles of my mind. Well at least it let me have something to focus on while my mind recuperated from the slight depression that surfaced near the end of the day today. Well maybe it just distracted me but whatever, it is close enough.
Still rambling
grrr i rly wanna color on my wall
Ok, here is a question for you folk that aren't out there that just randomly resurfaced into my mind that was formed when analyzing what other people are doing
Do people subconciously, conciously as well, bring people close only to hurt them more?
Hmm I don't feel like addressing this topic right now though but I'll just let the question sit there anyway.
Hmm I'm thinking about starting to stay afterschool more to work on my homework and try to get it done. Although I'll need to find a place that is not the library, I love the library but the main problem is that it quite distracting and I need to find somewhere that is not distracting. If I need to I shall work in there, but an empty classroom would work wonderfully. Doubt I'll be able to do that though. As with most of my ideas though I'll probably not act on it without outside force, o well.

Well it's four so I'm getting off this computer and doing my homework, or attempting to :P
the first of the moog people is wanting than he can have
~We wrote a prelude