Monday, January 11, 2010

"Dear friend, once more"

So yah, as you probably can tell since this is the second blog post in a day that I am bored, and probably running from some thing in my mind as well.
I have been playing a whole lot of The World Ends With You over the past couple weeks, and it is GOOD. Very solid game and stuff. Don't really feel like writing some sort of review right now.

I'm learning HTML, well sorta. I haven't really learned much yet, I will at some point, when this point is determined by my friend who is teaching me and also how much I try to learn by myself (by myself not much will happen since I tend to pick up projects, start them, and than leave um around but hopefully not this time)
If anyone knows of any good ways or material to learn html please leave a comment or message me. Actually leave a comment anyway if you're reading this, I like comments of any type.
Well this post is now over.

Someone said I am such a foolish girl
Who cares? It's better than without a light
Sometimes I need someone to hold me tight
Explain to me what is justice what is right?
Somehow I hate to see you lie and lie
I know how dumb I am but so are you
Sometimes I want to laugh and cry at once
Explain to me what is justice what is right?

Someday ~ The World Ends With You

~moog of Zack

A fork falls out of my pocket

I was walking down the stairs, and stopped suddenly. A fork that I had in my pocket falls out and lands on my foot. My sister sees this and I say "shhhh" and she starts laughing.
That is all.

Tankooni un moog